Attorney services
A detailed description of the legal services and co-operation manner with a Client
Legal expertise – law areas
Arbitration and alternative settlement of disputes
KM/Konstantinovic&Milosevski has an extensive experience in the representation of renowned corporate clients such as banks, construction companies, IT and telecommunication companies, automotive companies, companies from the energy sector, agricultural companies, healthcare institutions in complex civil, bankruptcy and criminal proceedings in any authority in the domestic courts, as well as in arbitration proceedings:
• Mediation
• National and international arbitration
Administrative law
In administrative and regulatory cases, even small legislative amendments can cause significant practical problems.
Therefore, we in Konstantinovic & Milosevski are in compliance with all of the amendments that are taking place in the local and regional regulatory environments, ensuring that our clients are always well informed and above all.
Our team of attorneys provides advice to clients on:
• Representing in all types of administrative proceedings in the state administration and the municipalities authorities
• Representing in administrative dispute proceedings
• Representing by legal remedies in administrative proceedings
• Representing by legal remedies in administrative disputes
• Representing in customs proceedings
• Representing in tax proceedings
Bankruptcy, insolvency and reorganization
The increased competition, the continued economic recession and crisis, as well as the complexity of the business activities on the domestic and foreign markets, are prerequisite for the financial difficulties that the business may face at any time.
The business must be cautious and prepared for the challenges and of course for the legal issues and implications which may arise from the same.
Our team helps the clients to cope with these circumstances by combining regulatory knowledge, business activity and knowledge specific to the sector.
Our clients can expect an exclusive risk analysis, superior skills for project management and pragmatic advice in the following areas:
• Bankruptcy proceeding
• Restructuring plans
• Debt rearrangement
• Crisis management and emergency situations planning
• Implementation of corporate restructuring including the available assets and court proceedings
• A special condition and bankruptcy litigation

Independent attorney - partner
External commission agent in the Securities & Exchange Commission of RNM
The banks and financial institutions after the financial crisis from 2008, are more carefully defining their legal strategies, focusing on the safe and prudent operations and are also more likely to be found in the need of consultation and advice from the elected law firms. We are consultants to many national and international banks as well as financial institutions.
Working closely with attorneys from our other-oriented groups, we provide comprehensive, seamless services to the financial institutions as well as those who work or invest in this highly regulated sector, including private equity funds, hedge funds and companies for investment management.
The banking and finance team offers a strong, thorough, practical experience in the transactions area, as well as in the regulatory field.
Our notable banking and finance praxis includes:
• General banking
• Finance (including acquisition and project financing)
• Debt restructuring and refinancing
• Acquisition and availability of assets and lease portfolios
• Trading with receivables
• Debt, hybrid and capital markets related to capital, including the regulatory capital transactions
• Derivatives, structured finance and securities
• Funds and asset management
• Regulatory and financial services
• Court proceeding for banking, financial services and derivatives
Business - commercial and corporate law
Your business is in safe hands!
With the amendments in the legal regulations, the status of a certified registration agents was permitted to us, the attorneys, due to the implementation of the amendments that are necessary and obligatory to be performed for Your trade company. The dynamic operation requires frequent amendments and supplements to the data that is entered in the trade registry. Therefore, our team is ready to respond to Your requests for:
• Establishment of companies and subsidiaries of foreign companies
• Registration of civil associations and foundations
• Change in authorized persons, head quarters, founding acts, and other data
• Organizing and replacement of subsidiaries
• Liquidation of companies and subsidiaries
• Registration and changes of foreign direct investments
• All other proceedings for corporate amendments of the trade companies

Managing Partner

Managing Partner
Competition protection
The number of companies that are concerned with the competition in various jurisdictions is increasing. The failure to comply with the competition laws is a subject to high penalties, and even a “regular” investigation can cause a negative impact on the reputation of a company.
We provide a wide range of services and comprehensive legal advice in the area of the competition law including, but not limited to:
• legal advice on the limitation or prohibition of anti-competitive agreements
• preparation of all types of contracts with competitive companies, risk assessment and assessment of the compliance of employment contracts with the law regulations
• legal advice related to the prohibition on abuse of a dominant position on the market
• legal advice in the area of mergers and mutual acquisitions
• legal advice on the compliance of the foreign companies acts with the valid competition regulations
• legal advice in the area of customers rights
• representation of clients in the Commission for Competition in proceedings for merger notification;
• requests for an individual exemption from the restrictive contract, as well as examination procedures
• representing clients in administrative disputes against the Commission acts
• Entrustments
• Vertical and horizontal contracts
• Dominant position and market behavior
• Concentrations control
• Compliance with the regulations
• Assessment of a proper diligence and employees training
• Trade associations
• Risk assessment from the competition violation
• Manners of competition protection
• Administrative proceeding and litigation
• Market and sector analysis
• Public procurement
KM/Konstantinovic & Milosevski is here to assist you in the realization and protection of your legal rights and interests as legal and natural entities.
If you entrust your confidence to us, you will not make a mistake and you will always have a partner who is promptly, loyally and effectively protecting your rights even from the very preparation of different types of contracts according Your needs.
Contracts for business collaboration, contracts for sale and purchase, contracts for gifts, lease contracts and all other types of contracts.

Managing Partner

Managing partner
Corporate Governance
Our integrated teams are able to carry out the most complex transactions smoothly and efficiently.
•Commercial contracts
•Complex corporate transactions
•Services related to the life cycle of the companies
•The operation of the companies on a daily basis
•Legal due diligence
•Mergers and acquisitions
•Financing of mergers and acquisitions
•Provision of services from external entities
•Private equity
•Acquisition of state-owned enterprises

Independent attorney - partner
External commission agent in the Securities & Exchange Commission of RNM
Court litigation
The upgrade of our experience in the past years enabled us to improve ourselves in the area of court proceedings (civil, administrative and criminal). In order to protect the interests of the client, all available assets are used in the proceeding with regard to reach a court decision that is in favor of the client.


Attorney at Law
We care about the planet!
The future of the planet with the help of the energy innovations is a trend that needs to be supported by a legal advice as well. In fact, the investments in projects for electricity production and related infrastructure, as well as the liberalization of the market in Southeast Europe is an extremely important business for our market. Our team advises and guides clients through the network search for legislative, regulatory and specific rules for the industry. The continuous investments in the field of green energy i.e. energy production from renewable energy sources, is a trend that is continuously monitored by the amendments in the legislation and the regulatory requirements and therefore, our knowledge and the specific legal advice will assist you and your business to upgrade the performance. We create multidisciplinary teams that co-operate with regulatory, corporative, and financial experts in order to provide valuable legal advice on the issues for privatization, regulatory compliance, investment opportunities. In situations where currently most of the market focus is still on the traditional energy sources, there is a tremendous pressure for solutions for energy production from renewable sources.
Labor relations
Your team is important to us as well!
The experience of our team includes preparation of employment contracts, internal acts for employment, management contracts, documentation for termination of a labor relation and non-compete contracts.
In the event of breach of any of the above mentioned contracts, we are supporting negotiations for collective agreement and termination of the operation.
Our services include:
• Representing clients who are facing labor union campaigns
• Representing a management in negotiations for collective agreement
• Preparation of by-laws in the area of labor relations
• Preparation of employment contracts
• Preparation of management contracts
• Advising clients and drafting the necessary documentation for the purpose of termination of a labor relation
• Labor litigations – trial
• Arbitration
Mergers and acquisitions
Our attorneys give advices to national and international clients regarding the mergers and acquisitions through a large number of industry sectors. With particular attention, innovative solutions and immediate advise and individual treatment we can create a solution for all challenges that arise in the negotiations process and a finalization of the mergers and acquisitions. The immense knowledge of the national legislation is enabling us to hold a reputation of a company that has a solution for the most complex situations and transactions through a large number of industry sectors. In the representation of each client, out attorneys are professional, creative and responsible. With the experience in various law areas and with the purpose to mutually use it for providing the most efficient solution for the most complex transactions. Moreover, we provide advice to a large number of board of directors, committees, managers and shareholders in resolving different corporative, management issues. Our experience together with the capability to identify and detect the most important factors that could influence a certain transaction, enable us to complete the transactions for our clients on the most efficient and most suitable manner.

Managing Partner

Managing Partner
Receivables collection - (Leading a procedure for collection of cash receivables from debtors)
Nowadays the trade companies are regularly facing difficulties in the receivables collection. Our team is available to all clients in order to minimize the payment delays and the non paid liabilities and additionally, we assure you an earlier realization of the expired payments of the firms. The delayed realization of the cash liabilities is leading to liquidity issues and as a result the continued performance is brought into question. Therefore, within the legal framework, a regular liabilities realization is important. In that relation we are applying several manners as a solution to the same:
• Out of court collection of cash receivables from debtors
• Oral and written communication with debtors for collection of cash receivables
• Court proceeding for collection of cash receivables from debtors
• Leading a proceeding in front of notary
• Leading a proceeding in front of enforcement agent
• Leading a proceeding in court
Real estate
You are an owner!
The protection of the ownership right is guaranteed by the Constitution of Republic of Macedonia.
The ownership right is acquired in accordance with the law, on the basis of legal work and by inheritance.
The ownership right is acquired by decision of the authorized state body as well in the manner and under the terms and conditions determined by law.
In the provision of legal services in the areas of property right, we are collaborating with experienced professionals in the field of geodesy (authorized experts) for the preparation of expert opinions, and geodetic elaborate to meet the needs of our clients whereby in one place, you get a complete service for protection of your real estate.
• Representation in the regulation of the relations between the neighbors as owners of properties and protection of the neighbors right,
• Representations and protection of the co-ownership relations,
• Representations and protection of the shared ownership,
• Protection of the rights of a property acquired in a marriage,
• Protection of the rights of a property acquired in an extramarital union,
• Representations and protection of the tenement ownership,
• Representations and protection of ownership right acquisition,
• Representation in determining an ownership right,
• Representation in disputes due to ownership disturbance,
• Protection of the ownership right and the shared ownership,
• Declaratory and withdrawal claims,
• Possession protection,
• Determining the possession right, disturbance or revocation,
• Protection of the right to easement(material and personal),
• Protection of the mortgage right of movable and immovable stuff

Managing Partner

Attorney at Law
Tax law
General tax advisory services
• Taxation of M & A
• Taxation of real estate
• Taxation of employees and taxation of expatriates
• Transfer pricing
• VAT, indirect taxes and customs duties
• Tax aspects of corporate / personal taxation
• Tax planning
• Tax aspects of corporate restructuring
• Tax procedure

Independent attorney - partner
External commission agent in the Securities & Exchange Commission of RNM
Administrative support
Following the clients’ needs, the Law firm Konstantinovic & Milosevski initiated provision of services for administrative assistance and virtual office for certain clients.
In that relation, despite the legal services, we are offering administrative services (back office) and human resources services.
In the course of developing these services, the law firm offers preparation of contracts and annexes and their records, employees records, preparation of decisions, as well as their record, receipt storage and processing of documentation and storage of the complete archive in this part of the performance, as well as communication for the clients’ needs with the relevant institutions.
With all services included, we are saving i.e. decreasing the clients’ expenses in the part of leasing offices, employment of administrative workers and similar and we are providing despite the legal, an administrative security as well. In order to meet the needs of the clients we offer a service for monitoring the amendments of the legislation and their impact. In this respect and upon an agreement with the clients, we are providing an opportunity for delivering an electronic notification on the amendments of the legislation, as well as the opportunity to present our interpretation and explanation of the stated amendments and the consequences that they can cause to the client.
With the aim of providing a complete services package, our company has a successful collaboration with the Company for financial consulting PI FINANCE that is offering accounting, bookkeeping and auditing services, as well as tax consulting.

Office manager - marketing